First, watch the video and read the lecture material, then reply the questions below:
Which of the following claims about (software) frameworks are true?
Frameworks offer program's (or its part's) structure and implementation.
A framework can be specialized into a concrete product.
A framework can be specialized using interfaces, inheritance, configuration of objects and components, generic class templates among others.
Which of the following claims about typical (software) framework usage are true?
The framework can be in charge of general code execution.
The framework's code is not altered and customisation is implemented using means such as inheritance or configuration parameters.
Following framework principles often translate into thought out practices of past experience (e.g. in UIs).
Testing and debugging the software becomes easier when you do not need to understand anything about the framework.
Which of the following claims about (software) framework development are true?
Designing a framework is more challenging than one specific product.
It does not usually make sense to design a framework for only one application as this takes time and money.
Hidden meanings should be documented and abstractions should be used consistently without leaking unneccessary internal details.