This course has already ended.




What is the hierarchy of different levels of architecture?

Select the right ones from the following SW architecture claims:

The symptoms of a failing architecture are:

The most common reasons for the failure of an architectural design:

If products will be constructed of ready-made components, they are most probably


Software design patterns

The topic of next lectures will be software design patterns. In this task, you read about one software design pattern, the Composite. There are a couple of links below, but obviously you can look from other sources too, such as course books, etc:

Reply the following questions:

  • Which problems does this pattern solve?

  • What other consequences or impacts does this pattern have?

  • When should you use this pattern?

  • When should you not use this pattern? What are the negative sides of it?

  • Invent an example situation/software where composite pattern would be useful. No need to code anything, just describe the situation with a few sentences.**

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