This course has already ended.
- COMP.SE.140
- 2. Lectures and theory material
- 2.1 Slides of the Lectures
Slides of the Lectures¶
Video recordings from the menu on the left.
Initial plan¶
(There will be changes)
- 25.08: Intro to the course and DevOps
- 01.09 Virtualization, what, why and how. Intro to containers and Docker.
- 08.09 Cloud - what it is
- 15.09 Continuous deployment, what and why
- 22.09 Orchestration, Continuous deployment, tools and techniques
- 29.09 CD - especially deployment, dependency management etc
- 06.10 Cloud native architectures part 1
- 20.10 Cloud native architectures part 2
- 27.10 Project; GitlabCI; Cloud native architectures part 3
- 03.11 Automation; summary of Cloud Native
- 10.11 Guest Lecture by Juha Uola from Cargotec
- 17.11 Hosting issues
- 24.11 Tools - like Kubernetes and Ansible
- 01.12 Recap
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