The latest instance of the course can be found at: COMP.CS.200 Web for Content Authors and Information Scientists: spring2025
Course news
To get credits register to SISU online exam
Registration open till 21.05., the registration will be accepted even without prerequesites, no worry!
Two new exams for registration:
- Remote exam 4.6.-31.7.2023 (for those who missed this registration)
- Remote exam 1.8.-29.12.2023 (for both Sep and Dec exams)
Next exam in September and December, click this link
- 04.09 Mon at 9:00
- 05.09 Tue at 16:00
- 06.09 Wed at 09:00
- 04.12 Mon at 9:00
- 05.12 Tue at 16:00
Course calendar
The conditions for passing the course:
- Points (wk1..4) >= 50% (the average of the modules,
i.e., an individual module can be under 50% but the average must be over 50%) - Points (wk5..7) >= 50% (the average of the modules)
- Exam must pass
- Grade estimator (right) must give grade >=1
- Lectures in (Teams); recordings by pressing the links below:
- Slides
- Teams for Q&A (questions by Teams, not in email)
- Modules 1..4: exer + attendance(max 2)
- Modules 5..7: exer + attendance (max 1) + finalAssignment (max 1)
- exam(max 1, i.e., bucket value/2)
- grade: round(the sum of above)
📣 Important Announcement: Final Assignment Deadline Extension!
Dear Students,
The upcoming deadline for the optional final assignment has been extended from Friday to Sunday, May 21, 23:59, no penalties involved. The change was made due to last-minute group changes.
Remember, the course staff is only available during working hours. Since tomorrow is a public holiday (helatorstai), nobody will be present. Start working on the assignment tasks early, so you can seek help if needed. If you have any questions, use the course discussion board (teams) or email us. Back again on Friday.
Sample solutions
Each student is positioned in groups to the time slot which was their primary wish.
Mon, Tue: Teams area link here
If you need to add peers to existing groups, please contact course personnel. Students cannot update existing groups by themselves.
- Students reserve time and do exercises together
- Students share the tasks, do them individually(async) and then come together and combine
- All students do all tasks by themselves and then review them together
- Students use Sample Solution private channel for messaging, or setup their own group e.g. in Telegram or Discord
- Students represent the solutions together as a group in Sample solution sessions
0 / 100 1. HTML: basics
Wednesday, 8 March 2023, 16:00 – Friday, 17 March 2023, 16:00
Late submissions are allowed until Sunday, 19 March 2023, 23:59.
However, points are only worth 70%.
50 points required to pass the module.
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
1.1 First dive into HTML | |||
1.1.1 Headings | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
1.1.2 Paragraphs | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
1.1.3 Formatting text | exercises | 0 / 15 | 0 / 5 |
1.1.4 Text editor | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
1.2 HTML Quiz | |||
1.2.1 HTML Quiz | exercises | 0 / 5 | 0 / 5 |
1.3 HTML validation | |||
1.3.1 HTML Validator | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
1.4 Browser developer tools | |||
1.4.1 Chrome developer tools | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
1.5 Your first HTML Document | |||
1.5.1 Recipe: Your first HTML Document | exercises | 0 / 20 | 0 / 15 |
1.6 Code of conduct | |||
1.6.1 The acknowledgement of data collection | exercises | 0 / 1 | 0 / 5 |
1.7 Pre questionnaire: the prior knowledge of web technologies | |||
1.7.1 Pre-questionnaire | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
1.8 Group formation: General study/group work views | |||
1.8.1 Background information | exercises | 0 / 3 | 0 / 6 |
1.8.2 General study skills | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 9 |
1.9 HTML1: Attendance and activity (Sample solutions) | |||
1.9.1 HTML1 attendance | attendance | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
0 / 100 2. HTML: media and forms
Wednesday, 15 March 2023, 12:00 – Friday, 24 March 2023, 16:00
Late submissions are allowed until Sunday, 26 March 2023, 23:59.
However, points are only worth 70%.
50 points required to pass the module.
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
2.1 Tables | |||
2.1.1 Table | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 15 |
2.2 Quiz with HTML forms | |||
2.2.1 Exercise quiz | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 15 |
2.3 Book a cruise | |||
2.3.1 Exercise reservation | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 15 |
2.4 Form Methods and Actions | |||
2.4.1 Form Methods and Actions | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
2.5 RegExp village | |||
2.5.1 Gamified regex drilling | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
2.6 Questions and difficulties | |||
2.6.1 Self-reflections | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
2.7 HTML2: Attendance and activity | |||
2.7.1 HTML2 attendance | attendance | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
0 / 100 3. CSS: syntax, selectors, positioning
Wednesday, 22 March 2023, 12:00 – Friday, 31 March 2023, 16:00
Late submissions are allowed until Sunday, 2 April 2023, 23:59.
However, points are only worth 70%.
50 points required to pass the module.
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
3.1 Submit a summary for peer-review | |||
3.1.1 Summary of an article, submit for peer-review | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
3.2 Learn CSS Selectors - CSS Diner | |||
3.2.1 Learn CSS Selectors - CSS Diner | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 15 |
3.3 CSS: SWOT | |||
3.3.1 SWOT | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 12 |
3.4 Semantic Markup and CSS Layout | |||
3.4.1 Semantic Markup and CSS Layout | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 15 |
3.5 CSS layout: names | |||
3.5.1 CSS layout: names | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 15 |
3.6 AI: pre-test | |||
3.6.1 chatGPT and its anticipated influence | exercises | 0 / 3 | 0 / 6 |
3.6.2 AI pretest | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 2 |
3.7 Questions and difficulties | |||
3.7.1 Self-reflections | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
3.8 CSS1: Attendance and activity | |||
3.8.1 CSS1 attendance | attendance | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
0 / 100 4. CSS: responsiveness
Wednesday, 29 March 2023, 12:00 – Friday, 14 April 2023, 16:00
Late submissions are allowed until Sunday, 16 April 2023, 23:59.
However, points are only worth 70%.
50 points required to pass the module.
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
4.1 Flexbox Froggy | |||
4.1.1 Drilling flexbox with Flexbox Froggy | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
4.2 Flexbox SWOT | |||
4.2.1 Flexbox SWOT | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
4.3 Flexbox Holy Grail | |||
4.3.1 Holy Grail | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
4.4 Grid Garden | |||
4.4.1 Drilling grids with Grid garden | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
4.5 CSS Grid | |||
4.5.1 Grid | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
4.6 CSS Artist | |||
4.6.1 CSS Artist | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
4.7 Bootstrap | |||
4.7.1 Bootstrap | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
4.8 Peer-review of the wk03 summary | |||
4.8.1 Web development as a career | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
4.9 Questions and difficulties | |||
4.9.1 Self-reflections | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
4.10 CSS2: Attendance and activity | |||
4.10.1 CSS2 attendance | attendance | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
0 / 100 5. JavaScript: basics + tutorial (assignment)
Wednesday, 29 March 2023, 12:00 – Friday, 21 April 2023, 16:00
Late submissions are allowed until Sunday, 23 April 2023, 23:59.
However, points are only worth 70%.
50 points required to pass the module.
0 / 100 6. JavaScript: DOM, events, objects (assignment)
Wednesday, 12 April 2023, 12:00 – Friday, 28 April 2023, 16:00
Late submissions are allowed until Sunday, 30 April 2023, 23:59.
However, points are only worth 70%.
50 points required to pass the module.
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
6.1 Group discussion | |||
6.1.1 A teamwork questionnaire | assignment | 0 / 3 | 0 / 10 |
6.1.2 Merging TODO lists | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
6.2 DOM and events | |||
6.2.1 Find right element | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
6.2.2 Remove element | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
6.2.3 Modify element innerText | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
6.2.4 Adjust CSS classes | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
6.2.5 Events | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
6.2.6 Add event listener | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
6.3 Stack Overflow Statistics | |||
6.3.1 Stack Overflow Statistics | assignment | 0 / 20 | 0 / 10 |
6.4 Manipulating Stack Overflow data | |||
6.4.1 Manipulating Stack Overflow data | assignment | 0 / 20 | 0 / 10 |
6.5 Co-authors | |||
6.5.1 Co-authors | assignment | 0 / 30 | 0 / 10 |
6.6 Questions and difficulties | |||
6.6.1 Self-reflections | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
6.7 JS2: Attendance and activity | |||
6.7.1 JS2 attendance | attendance | 0 / 10 | 0 / 15 |
0 / 100 7. JavaScript: FP & async (assignment)
Wednesday, 19 April 2023, 12:00 – Friday, 5 May 2023, 16:00
Late submissions are allowed until Sunday, 7 May 2023, 23:59.
However, points are only worth 70%.
50 points required to pass the module.
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
7.1 Functional JavaScript | |||
7.1.1 Recognizing functional styles | assignment | 0 / 3 | 0 / 10 |
7.2 FP Game | |||
7.2.1 drilling FP | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
7.3 Functional Programming Quiz | |||
7.3.1 Functional Programming Quiz | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
7.4 Funky swaps | |||
7.4.1 Funky swaps | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
7.5 Asynchronous JavaScript | |||
7.5.1 Promise | assignment | 0 / 20 | 0 / 10 |
7.6 Fetch | |||
7.6.1 Fetch | assignment | 0 / 20 | 0 / 10 |
7.7 Co-authors as sociogram | |||
7.7.1 Co-authors as JSON | assignment | 0 / 20 | 0 / 10 |
7.8 Hello Gitlab | |||
7.8.1 Clone the git repo | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 2 |
7.9 Course-upstream to pull new instructions | |||
7.9.1 Setting the course-upstream | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 3 |
7.10 Questions and difficulties | |||
7.10.1 Self-reflections | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 5 |
7.11 JS3: Attendance and activity | |||
7.11.1 JS3 attendance | attendance | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
0 / 0 8. Final assignment
Wednesday, 19 April 2023, 12:00 – Sunday, 21 May 2023, 23:59
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
8.1 Assignment |
0 / 8 9. Compulsory assignment graders (for testing)
Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 12:00 – Sunday, 21 May 2023, 23:59
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
9.1 Author meta tag | |||
9.1.1 Author meta tag | assignment | 0 / 150 | 0 / 1 |
9.2 Technology selection | |||
9.2.1 Technology selection | assignment | 0 / 150 | 0 / 1 |
9.3 Bar chart race | |||
9.3.1 Bar chart race | assignment | 0 / 150 | 0 / 1 |
9.4 Library search | |||
9.4.1 Library search | assignment | 0 / 150 | 0 / 1 |
9.5 Sociogram | |||
9.5.1 Sociogram | assignment | 0 / 150 | 0 / 1 |
9.6 WebDev summary | |||
9.6.1 Summary | assignment | 0 / 150 | 0 / 1 |
9.7 JSDoc grader | |||
9.7.1 JSDoc Lint | assignment | 0 / 150 | 0 / 1 |
9.8 ESlint grader | |||
9.8.1 ESLint | assignment | 0 / 150 | 0 / 1 |
0 / 3 10. Bonus assignment graders (for testing)
Wednesday, 26 April 2023, 12:00 – Sunday, 21 May 2023, 23:59
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
10.1 Bonus: Functional programming (FP) | |||
10.1.1 Functional programming (map, filter, reduce) | assignment | 0 / 150 | 0 / 1 |
10.2 Bonus: Accessibility grader | |||
10.2.1 Accessibility with proper labeling | assignment | 0 / 150 | 0 / 1 |
10.3 Bonus: WOW! | |||
10.3.1 Summary wow | assignment | 0 / 1 | 0 / 1 |
0 / 2 11. Final assignment grader
Wednesday, 3 May 2023, 12:00 – Sunday, 21 May 2023, 23:59
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
11.1 Final assignment grader | |||
11.1.1 Final Assignment Grader | finalAssignment | 0 / 20 | 0 / 2 |
0 / 0 12. JavaScript cheatsheet
Tuesday, 21 March 2023, 12:00 – Tuesday, 6 June 2023, 18:00
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
12.1 JavaScript cheatsheet | |||
12.2 JavaScript Debugging |
0 / 0 13. Material
Wednesday, 1 March 2023, 12:00 – Sunday, 31 December 2023, 23:59
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
13.1 Starting lecture | |||
13.1.1 Course practises explained | material | 0 / 10 | 0 / 0 |
13.2 Lectures and videos | |||
13.2.1 Lectures and videos | material | 0 / 10 | 0 / 0 |
13.3 On-line material | |||
13.3.1 Other on-line material | material | 0 / 10 | 0 / 0 |
0 / 62 14. Reflections and grades
Wednesday, 3 May 2023, 12:00 – Friday, 19 May 2023, 16:00
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
14.1 Group formation reflection | |||
14.1.1 Group formation reflection | exercises | 0 / 3 | 0 / 19 |
14.2 Rate your mate | |||
14.2.1 Rate-your-mate | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
14.3 Skill levels after the course | |||
14.3.1 Self-estimates | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
14.4 AI: post-test | |||
14.4.1 chatGPT and its influence in pedagogy | exercises | 0 / 3 | 0 / 9 |
14.4.2 AI posttest | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 2 |
14.5 Grade for the exam | |||
14.5.1 grade | exam | 0 / 10 | 0 / 2 |
0 / 125 15. Final attendance points
Friday, 12 May 2023, 12:00 – Friday, 19 May 2023, 16:00
Assignment | Category | Submissions | Points |
15.1 HTML1: Final attendance and activity | |||
15.1.1 HTML1 attendance | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
15.2 HTML2: Final attendance and activity | |||
15.2.1 HTML2 attendance | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
15.3 CSS1: Final attendance and activity | |||
15.3.1 CSS1 attendance | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
15.4 CSS2: Final attendance and activity | |||
15.4.1 CSS2 attendance | exercises | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
15.5 JS1: Final attendance and activity | |||
15.5.1 JS1 attendance | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 10 |
15.6 JS2: Final attendance and activity | |||
15.6.1 JS2 attendance | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 15 |
15.7 JS3: Final attendance and activity | |||
15.7.1 JS3 attendance | assignment | 0 / 10 | 0 / 20 |
0 / 311
0 / 125
0 / 2
0 / 460
0 / 2