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Integration tests

PRG1 Integration test - Compulsory

Compared with functionality tests, integration tests test larger entities, not one function at a time but several functions in a sequence. The integration tests are also at students' disposal under directory prg1/integration-compulsory and can be executed in a following manner:

  1. First compile the program: qmake; make
  2. Execute test testread "integration-compulsory/example-compulsory-in.txt" "integration-compulsory/example-compulsory-out.txt" either
    1. in GUI,
      then typing or selecting the command testread from a dropdown menu in the text field and giving files "example-compulsory-in.txt" and an input and "example-compulsory-out.txt" as a reference output.
    2. by initiating the console mode,
      ./prg1 --console
      and then running testread command
    3. by saving above-mentioned instructions in a file, and by giving the file as a parameter:
      ./prg1 cmd_file
  3. Question marks (?) in the output of testread indicate found differences that must cease to exist

After you get the compulsory functionality implemented, the optional funtionality can be tested in a similar manner. You can find the optional integration tests in the "integration-optional" folder.

The integration grader for optional functionality can be found in the module 'Project 1 graders(optional)


Before attempting to grade your Project in Plussa, remember to push your commits to the remote repository. Otherwise, the grader will not find it.

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