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Compile pedantically

Set debug mode on with flags

A compiler gives a lots of information for a developer. In addition to errors, it warns about unclear or suspicious structures. While debugging the code, a compiler can be tuned to be even more pedantic.

QtCreator .pro-file of the programming assignments contain line "QMAKE\_CXXFLAGS += -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG -D_GLIBCXX_DEBUG_PEDANTIC", which is originally commented out. By removing the comment character from the beginning of the line and by recompiling the whole program (choose "Rebuild All" from Build menu), you can see the compiler to do its job more pedantically and give more verbose feedback. (If you are using gcc without QtCreator, you can just add the "-D..." parameters to the compiler command, i.e. "g++ -D...".)

Please notice that additional checks take time, so the performance of the program is slower when the debugging mode is on, often even asymptotically slower! So make sure you disable debug again before running performance tests (re-comment the line and rebuild)! The perftest grader of Plussa copies datastructures.* files in its own testing env, so this is no concern in Plussa, but when testing locally.

Submitting Your Project to Plussa

PLEASE NOTE: You should copy-paste the git@.... url, not the https://... url

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